Nov 3, 2008

want... of these. not even for the caffeine (maybe a bit for the caffeine) but mostly for the deliciousness but alas, i'm trying to cut down. also, i'm really not feeling the internet these days. i'm glad i wasn't a teenager for facebook, blogs, myspace etc. i couldn't have handled it.


this wesc coat would be pretty sweet for winter with that 'little red riding hood' hood. yo jesse, ian or shayaa...hook it up?


Anonymous said...

i just got a pair of chick wesc jeans, size 30, they they are atleast 2 sizes too big for me. and i am a fat guy.

gordon boulette

Anonymous said...

Gorggeeeouss coat! I designed something like that. I need someone with sick clothes making skills that can help a sister out!

zyanna said...

i love that gordie says his jeans are 2 sizes too big. They fit, they are just not hipster tapered pants.

Anonymous said...

today ziz asked me when new years eve is, then her first guess was jan 31st.